
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Huffman revisited part 5 : combining multi-streams with multi-symbols

   In previous article, a method to create a fast multi-symbols Huffman decoder has been described. The experiment used a single bitstream, for simplicity. However, earlier investigation proved that using multiple bitstreams was a good choice for speed on modern OoO (Out of Order) cpus, such as Intel's Core. So it seems only logical to combine both ideas and see where they lead.

The previous multi-streams format produced an entangled output, where each stream contributes regularly to 1-in-4 symbols, as shown below :

Multi-Streams single-symbol entangled output pattern

This pattern is very predictable, therefore decoding operations can be done in no particular order, as each stream knows at which position to write its next symbol.
This critical property is lost with multi-symbols decoding operations :

Multi-Streams multi-symbols entangled output pattern (example)

It's no longer clear where next symbols must be written. Hence, parallel-streams decoding becomes synchronization-dependent, nullifying multi-streams speed advantage.

There are several solutions to this problem :
- On the decoder side, reproduce regular output pattern, by breaking multi-symbols sequence into several single-symbol write operations. It works, but cost performance, since a single decode now produces multiple writes (or worse, introduce an unpredictable branch) and each stream requires its own tracking pointer.
- On the encoder side, take into consideration the decoder natural pattern, by grouping symbols exactly the same way they will be regenerated. This works too, and is the fastest method from a decoder perspective, introducing just some non-negligible complexity on the encoder side.

Ultimately, none of these solutions looked particularly attractive. I was especially worried about introducing a "rigid format", specifically built for a single efficient way to decode. For example, taking into consideration the way symbols will be grouped during decoding ties the format to a specific table construction.
An algorithm created for a large number of platforms cannot tolerate such rigidity. Maybe some implementations will prefer single-symbol decoding, maybe other ones will select a custom amount of memory for decoding tables. Such flexibility must be possible.

Final choice was to remove entanglement. And the new output pattern becomes :

Multi-Streams multi-symbols segment output pattern (example)

With 4 separate segments being decoded in parallel, the design looks a lot like classical multi-threading, but at micro-op level. And that's a fair enough description.

The picture looks simpler, but from a coding perspective, it's not.
The first issue is that each segment has its own tracking pointer during decoding operation. It increases the number of required registers from 1 to 4. Not a huge deal when registers are plentiful, but that's not always the case (x86 32-bits mode notably).
The second more important issue is that each segment gets decoded at its own speed, meaning some of them will be finished before other ones. Previously, entanglement ensured that all streams would finish together, with just a small tail to take care off. This is now more complex : we don't know which segment will finish first, and the "tail" sequence is now spread over multiple streams, of unpredictable length.

These complexities will cost a bit of performance, but we get serious benefits in exchange :
- Multi-streams decoding is an option : platforms may decide to decode segments serially, one after another, or 2 by 2, depending on their optimal capabilities.
- Single-symbol and multi-symbols decoding strategies are compatible 
- Decoding table depth can be any size, including "frugal" ones trading cpu operations for memory space.
In essence, it's opened to a lot more trade-offs.

These new properties introduce a new API requirement : regenerated size must be known, exactly, to start decoding operation (previously, upper regenerated size limit was enough). This is required to guess where each segment starts before even finishing previous ones.

So, what kind of performance this new design delivers ? Here is an example, based on generic samples :

Decoding speed, multi-streams, 32 KB blocks

The picture looks similar to previous "single-stream" measurements, but features much higher speeds. Single-symbol variant wins when compression ratio is very poor. Quite quickly though, double-symbols variant dominates the region where Huffman compression makes most sense (underlined in red boxes). Quad-symbols performance catch up when distribution becomes more favorable, and clearly dominates later on, but that's a region where Huffman is no longer an optimal choice for entropy compression.

Still, by providing speed in the range of 800-900 MB/s, the new multi-symbol decoder delivers sensible improvements over previous version. So, job done ?

Let's dig a little deeper. You may have noticed that previous measurements were produced on block sizes of 32 KB, which is a nice "average" situation. However, in many compressors such as zstd, blocks of symbols are the product of (LZ) transformation, and their size can vary, by a lot. Therefore, is above conclusion still valid when block size changes ?

Let's test this hypothesis in both directions, by measuring large (128 KB) and small (8 KB) block sizes. Results become :

Decoding speed, multi-streams, 128 KB blocks

Decoding speed, multi-streams, 8 KB blocks

While the general picture may look similar, some differences are indeed spotted.

First, 128 KB blocks are remarkably faster than 8 KB ones. This is a natural consequence of table construction times, which is a fixed cost whatever the size of blocks. Hence, their relative impact is inversely proportional to block sizes.
At 128 KB, symbol decoding dominates. It makes the quad-symbols version slightly better compared to double-symbols. Not necessarily enough, but still an alternative to consider when the right conditions are met.
At 8 KB, the reverse situation happens : quad-symbols is definitely out of the equation, due to its larger table construction time. Single-symbol relative performance is now better, taking the top spot when compression ratio is low enough.

With so many parameters, it may seem difficult to guess which version will perform best on a given compressed block, since it depends on the content to decode. Fortunately, such guess can be performed automatically by the library itself.
huff0's solution is to propose a single decoder (HUF_decompress()) which makes such selection transparently. Given a set of heuristic values (table construction time, raw decoding speed, quantized compression ratio), it will automatically select which decoding algorithm it believes is a better fit for the job.

Decoding speed, auto-mode, 32 KB blocks

Ultimately, it only impacts faster speeds, since all versions are compatible and produce valid results. And if a user doesn't like automatic choices, it's still possible to manually override which decoder version is preferred.

As usual, the result of this investigation is made available as open source software, at github, under a BSD license. If you are used to previous versions of fse, pay attention that the directory and file structures have been changed quite a bit. In order to clarify interfaces, huff0 now gets its own files and header.

Huffman revisited, Part 4 : Multi-bytes decoding

 In most Huffman implementations I'm aware of, decoding symbols is achieved in a serial fashion, one-symbol-after-another.

Decoding fast is not that trivial, but it has been already well studied. Eventually, the one symbol per decoding operation becomes its upper limit.

Consider how work a fast Huffman decoder : all possible bit combinations are pre-calculated into a table, of predefined maximum depth. For each bit combination, it's a simple table lookup to get the symbol decoded and the number of bits to consume.

Huffman Table lookup (example)

More complex schemes may break the decoding into 2 steps, most notably in an attempt to reduce look-up table sizes and still manage to decode symbols which exceed table depth. But it doesn't change the whole picture : that's still a number of operations to decode a single symbol.

In an attempt to extract more speed from decoding operation, I was curious to investigate if it would be possible to decode more than one symbol per lookup.

Intuitively, that sounds plausible. Consider some large Huffman decoding table, there is ample room for some bit sequences to represent 2 or more unequivocal symbols. For example, if one symbol is dominant, it only needs 1 bit. So, with only 2 bits, we have 25% chances to get a sequence which means "decode 2 dominant symbols in a row", in a single decode operation.

This can be visualized on below example :

Example of small single-symbol decoding table

which can be transformed into :

Example of multi-symbols decoding table

In some ways, it can look reminiscent of Tunstall codes, since we basically try to fit as many symbols as possible into a given depth. But it's not : we don't guarantee reading the entire depth each time, the number of bits read is still variable, just more regular. And there is no "order 1 correlation" : probabilities remain the same per symbol, without depending on prior prefix.

Even with above table available, there is still the question of using it efficiently. It doesn't make any good if a single decoding step is now a lot more complex in order to potentially decode multiple symbols. As an example of what not to do, a straightforward approach would be to start decoding the first symbol, then figure out if there is some place left for another one, proceed with the second symbol, then test for a 3rd one, etc. Each of these tests become an unpredictable branch, destroying performance in the process.

The breakthrough came by observing LZ decompression process such as lz4 : it's insanely fast, because it decodes matches, aka. suite of symbols, as a single copy operation.
This is in essence what we should do here : copy a sequence of multiple symbols, and then decide how many symbols there really are. It avoids branches.
On current generation CPU, copying 2 or 4 bytes is not much slower than copying a single byte, so the strategy is effective. Overwriting same position is also not an issue thanks to modern cache structure.

With this principle settled, it now requires an adapted lookup table structure to work with. I settled with these ones :
Huffman lookup cell structure

The double-symbols structure could seem poorly ambitious : after all, it is only able to store up to 2 symbols into the `sequence` field. But in fact, tests will show it's a good trade-off, since most of the time, 2 symbols is what can be reasonably stored into a table lookup depth.

Some quick maths : depth of a lookup table is necessarily limited, in order to fit into memory cache where access times are best. An Intel's cpu L1 data cache is typically 32 KB (potentially shared due to hyper-threading). Since no reasonable OS is single-threaded anymore, let's not use the entire cache : half seems good enough, that's 16 KB. Since a single cell for double-symbols is now 4 bytes (incidentally, the same size as FSE decoder), that means 4K cells, hence a maximum depth of 12 bits. Within 12 bits, it's unlikely to get more than 2 symbols at a time. But this outcome entirely depends on alphabet distribution.

This limitation must be balanced with increased complexity for table lookup construction. The quad-symbols one is significantly slower, due to more fine-tuned decisions and recursive nature of the algorithm, defeating inlining optimizations. Below graph show the relative speed of each construction algorithm (right side, in grey, is provided for information, since if target distribution falls into this category, Huffman entropy is no longer a recommended choice).

Lookup table construction speed

The important part is roughly underlined in red boxes, showing areas which are relevant for some typical LZ symbols. The single-symbol lut construction is always faster, significantly. To make sense, slower table construction must be compensated by improved symbol decoding speed. Which, fortunately, is the case.

Decoding speed, at 32 KB block

As suspected, the "potentially faster" quad-symbols variant is hampered by its slower construction time. It manages to become competitive at "length & offset" area, but since it costs 50% more memory, it needs to be unquestionably better to justify that cost. Which is the case as alphabet distribution become more squeezed. By that time though, it becomes questionable if Huffman is still a reasonable choice for the selected alphabet, since its compression power will start to wane significantly against more precise methods such as FSE.
The "double-symbols" variant, on the other hand, takes off relatively fast and dominate the distribution region where Huffman makes most sense, making it a prime contender for an upgrade.

By moving from a 260 MB/s baseline to a faster 350-450 MB/s region, the new decoding algorithm is providing fairly sensible gains, but we still have not reached the level of previous multi-stream variant, which gets closer to 600 MB/s. The logical next step is to combine both ideas, creating a multi-streams multi-symbols variant. A challenge which proved more involving than it sounds. But that's for another post ...