
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Compiler Warnings

 btrc: compile4 : compiler warnings

One way to improve C code quality is to reduce the number of strange constructions that the standard does not explicitly forbid. This will greatly help code reviewers, who want less surprises, and try to understand what a segment of source code is achieving and impacting.

A straightforward way to create such a “constrained” C variant is to add compiler-specific warning flags. They will trigger warnings on detecting certain constructions considered dubious, if not downright dangerous.

A simple example is the condition if (i=1) {. This test seems to check if i equal 1, but that’s not what it does : it assigns the value 1 to i. Also, as a consequence, it is always true. This is most likely a typo, the programmer probably wanted to express an equality test if (i==1) {. Yet, it’s not invalid, strictly speaking. So a compiler is allowed to accept it at face value and generate corresponding assembly without any warning. That may take a while to debug …

The if (i=1) { typo statement is well known, and nowadays it triggers a warning in most compilers with the help of warning flags.
At the very least, the warning is an invitation to spell the intention more clearly.
Sometimes, it was a genuine error, and the compiler just helped us catch this issue before it ever reaches production, saving some considerable debug time.

Multiplying the number of flags will increase the number of warnings. But sifting through a large list of warnings to find which ones are interesting and which one are merely informational can be daunting. Moreover, collaborative programming requires simple rules, that anyone can abide by.

Using warnings should be coupled with a strict “zero-warning” policy. Every warning must be considered an error to be dealt with immediately. This is a clean signal that everyone understand, and that any CI environment can act upon. If a warning message is considered not fixable, or not desirable to fix, it’s preferable to remove the associated flag from the build chain.

On gcc, ensuring that no warning can be ignored can be enforced by the -Werror flag, which makes any warning a fatal error. Visual has “treat warnings as errors”.
More complex policies are possible, such as activating more warnings and only make some of them fatal (for example -Werror=vla) but it makes the setup more complex, and logs more difficult to follow.

As a consequence, it’s not a good idea to just “enable everything”. Each additional flag increases the number of false-positive to deal with. When too many warnings are generated, it will feel like a discouraging and low-value task, leading to its abandon. Only warnings which bring some value deserve to be tracked, fixed, and continuously maintained. Therefore, it is preferable to only add a flag when its benefit is clearly understood.

That being said, the best moment to crank up the warning level is at the beginning of a project. What tends to be difficult is to add new flags to an existing project, because new flags will reveal tons of programming patterns that where silently allowed and must now be avoided, anywhere within the repository. On the other hand, keeping an existing code clean is much simpler, as issues appear only in new commits, and can therefore be located and fixed quickly.

MS Visual

My programming habits have largely switched from Windows to Unix these last few years, so I’m no longer up to date on this topic.
By default, Visual organizes its list of optional warnings into “levels”. The higher the level, the more warnings it generates. It’s also possible to opt-in for a single specific warning, but I have not enough experience to comment that usage.

By default, Visual compiler uses level 1 on command line , and level 3 on IDE.
Level 3 is already pretty good, but I recommend to aim for level 4 if possible. That level will catch additional tricky corner cases, making the code cleaner and more portable.
Obviously, on an existing project, move up progressively towards higher levels, as each of them will generate more warnings to clean up.

The exact way to change the warning level may depend on the IDE version. On command line, it’s always /W4, so that one is pretty clear. On IDE, it’s generally accessible in the properties->C tab, which is one of the first displayed, as shown here.

Do not use /Wall as part of your regular build process. It contains too many warnings of “informational” value, which are not meant to be suppressed, hence will continuously drown the signal and make “zero warning policy” impossible.

gcc and clang

gcc and by imitation clang offer a command line experience with a large list of compatible flags for warnings.
Overtime, I’ve developed my own selection, which has become pretty long. I would recommend it to any code base. I’m going to detail it below. It is by no means a “final” or “ultimate” version. The list can always evolve, integrating more flags, either because I missed them, or they end up being more useful than I initially anticipated, or because they become more broadly supported.

For simplicity purpose, I tend to concentrate on flags that are well supported by gcc and clang, and present since a few revisions. Flags which only work on “latest version of X” are not considered in this list, because they can cause trouble for compilation on targets without version X. This issue can be solved by adding yet another machinery to maintain version-specific flags, complete with its own set of problems, but I would not recommend to start with such complexity.

If your project does not include those flags yet, I suggest to only enable them one after another. A project developed without a specific flag is likely to have used the flagged pattern in many places. It’s important to clean one flag completely before moving to next one, otherwise, the list of warnings to fix becomes so large that it will seem insurmountable. Whenever it is, just drop the flag for the time being, you’ll come back to it later.


  • -Wall : This is the “base” warning level for gcc/clang. In contrast to what its name implies, it does not enable “all” warnings, far from it, but a fairly large set of flags that the compiler team believes is generally safe to follow. For a detailed list of what it includes, you can consult this page, which is likely applicable to latest compiler version. The exact list of flags evolves with the specific version of the compiler. It’s even different depending on gcc or clang. It’s okay, because the flag itself doesn’t change.
    I would recommend to start with this flag, and get to the bottom of it before moving on to more flags. Should the generated list of warnings be overwhelming, you can break it down into a more narrow set of flags, or selectively disable a few annoying warnings with -Wno-###, then plan to re-enable them progressively later.

  • -Wextra : This is the second level for gcc and clang. It includes an additional set of flags, which constrains the code style further, improving maintainability. For example, this level will raise a warning whenever a switch() { case: } uses a fall-through implicitly, which is generally (but not always) a mistake.
    This flag used to be called -W, but I recommend the -Wextra form, which is more explicit.


  • -Wcast-qual : This flag ensures that a QUALifier is respected during a cast operation. This is especially important for the const “read-only” qualifier: it ensures that a pointer to a read-only area cannot be silently transformed into another pointer with write capability, which is quite an essential guarantee. I even don’t quite get it how come this is an optional warning, instead of a compulsory property of the language.

  • -Wcast-align : the C standard requires that a type must be stored at an address suitable for its alignment restriction. For example, on 32-bits systems, an int must be stored at an address which is a multiple of 4. This restriction tends to be forgotten nowadays because x86 cpus have always been good at dealing with unaligned memory accesses, and ARM ones have become better at this game (they used to be terrible). But it’s still important to respect this property, for portability, for performance (avoid inter-pages accesses), and for compatibility with deep transformations such as auto-vectorization. Casting can unintentionally violate this condition. A typical example is when casting a memory area previously reserved as a table of char*, hence without any alignment restriction, in order to store int value, which require an alignment of 4. -Wcast-align will detect the violation, and fixing it will make sure the code respect alignment restrictions, making it more portable.

  • -Wstrict-aliasing : Strict aliasing is a complex and badly known rule. It states that, in order to achieve better performance, compilers are allowed to consider that 2 pointers of different types never reference the same address space, so their content cannot “collide”. If they nonetheless do, it’s an undefined behavior, hence anything can happen unpredictably.
    To ensure this rule is not violated, compilers may optionally offer some code analysis capabilities, that will flag suspicious constructions. gcc offers -Wstrict-aliasing, with various levels of caution, with 1 being the most paranoid.
    Issues related to strict aliasing violation only show up in optimized codes, and are among the most difficult to debug. It’s best to avoid them. I recommend using this flag at its maximum setting. If it generates too much noise, try more permissive levels. -Wstrict-aliasing=3 is already included as part of -Wall, so if -Wall is already clean, the next logical step is level 2, then 1.
    One beneficial side-effect of this flag is that it re-inforces the separation of types, which is a safer practice. Cross-casting a memory region with pointers of different types is no longer an easy option, as it gets immediately flagged by the compiler. There are still ways to achieve this, primarily through the use of void* memory segments, which act as wildcards. But the extra-care required is in itself protective, and should remind the developer of the risks involved.

  • -Wpointer-arith forbids pointer arithmetic on void* or function pointer. C unfortunately lacks the concept of “memory unit”, so a void* is not a pointer to an address: it’s pointer to an object “we don’t know anything about”. Pointer arithmetic is closely related to the concept of table, and adding +1 is always relative to the size of the table element (which must be a constant). With void*, we have no idea what this element size could be, so it’s not possible to +1 it, nor do more complex pointer arithmetic.
    To perform operation on bytes, it’s necessary to use a pointer to a byte type, be it char*, unsigned char* or int8_t*.
    This is a strict interpretation of the standard, and helps make the resulting code more portable.

Variable declaration

  • -Winit-self : prevents a fairly silly corner case, where a variable is initialized with itself, such as int i = i+1;, which can not be right. clang and g++ make it part of -Wall, but not gcc.

  • -Wshadow : A variable v declared at a deep nesting level shadows any other variable with same name v declared at an upper level. This means that invoking vat the deeper level will target the deeper v. This is legal from a C standard perspective, but it’s considered bad practice, because it’s confusing for the reviewer. Now 2 different variables with different roles and lifetime carry the same name. It’s better to differentiate them, by using different names.
    Sidenote : name shadowing can be annoying when using a library which unfortunately defines very common symbol names as part of its interface. Don’t forget that the C namespace is global. For this reason, whenever publishing an API, always ensure that no public symbol is too “common” (such as i, min, max, etc.). At a minimum, add a PREFIX_ to the public symbol name, so that opportunities of collision get drastically reduced.

  • -Wswitch-enum : This flag ensures that, in a switch(enum) { case: } construction, all declared values of the enum have a case: branch. This can be useful to ensure that no enum value has been forgotten (even if there is a default: branch down the list to deal with them). Forgetting an enum value is a fairly common scenario when the enum list changes, typically by adding an element to it. The flag will issue a warning on all relevant switch() { case: }, simplifying code traversal to ensure that no case has been missed.


  • -Wstrict-prototypes : historically, C functions used to be declared with just their name, without even detailing their parameters. This is considered bad practice nowadays, and this flag will ensure that a function is declared with a fully formed prototype, including all parameter types.
    A common side effect happens for functions without any parameter. Declaring them as int function() seems to mean “this function takes no argument”, but it’s not correct. Due to this historical background, it actually means “this function may have any number of arguments of any type, it’s just not documented”. Such definition will limit the effectiveness of the compiler in controlling the validity of an invocation, so it’s bad, and this flag will issue a warning. The correct way to tell that a function has no (zero) argument is int function(void).

  • -Wmissing-prototypes : this flag enforces that any public function (non-static) has a declaration somewhere. It’s easy to game that condition by just writing a prototype declaration right in front of the function definition itself, but it misses the point : this flag will help find functions which are (likely) no longer useful.
    The problem with public functions is that the compiler has no way to ensure they are not used anymore. So it will generate them, and wait for the linking stage to know more. In a library, such “ghost” function will be present, occupy valuable space, and more importantly will still offer a public symbol to be reached, remaining within the library’s attack surface, and offering a potential backdoor for would-be attackers. Being no longer used, these functions may also not be correctly tested anymore, and might allow unintended state manipulations. So it’s better to get rid of them.
    If a kind of “private function just for internal tests” is needed, and should not be exposed in the official *.h header, create a secondary header, like *-debug.h for example, where the function is declared. And obviously #include it in the *.c unit. This will be cleaner and compatible with this flag.

  • -Wredundant-decls : A prototype should be declared only once, and this single definition should be #include everywhere it’s needed. This policy avoids multiple source of truth, with associated synchronization problems.
    This flag will trigger a warning if it detects that a function prototype is declared twice (or more).

Floating point

  • -Wfloat-equal : this flag prevents usage of == equality operator between float value. This is because floating point values are lossy representations of real numbers, and any operation with them will incur an inaccuracy uncertainty, which exact detail depends on target platform, hence is not portable. Two floating-point values should not be compared with equality, it’s not supposed to make sense given the lossy nature of the representation. Rather ensure that the distance between 2 floats is below a certain threshold to consider them “equivalent enough”.


  • -Wundef : forbids evaluation of a macro symbol that’s not defined. Without it, #if SYMBOL_NOT_EXIST is silently translated into #if 0, which may or may not generate the intended outcome. This is useful when the list of macro symbols evolves : whenever a macro symbol disappears, all related preprocessor tests get flagged with this warning, which makes it possible to review and adapt them.

Standard Library

  • -Wformat=2 : this will track potential printf() issues which can be abused to create security hazard scenarios.
    An example is when the formatting chain itself can be under control of an external source, such as printf(message), with char* message being externally manipulated. This can be used to read and write out of bound and take remote control of the system. Yep, it’s that dangerous.
    The solution to this specific issue is to write printf("%s", message). It may look equivalent, but this second version is safer, as it interprets message only as a pure char* string to display, instead of a formatting string which can trigger read/write orders from inside printf().
    -Wformat=2 will flag this issue, and many more, such as ensuring proper correspondence between the argument type and control string statement, leading to a safer program.
    These issues go beyond the C language proper, and more into stdio library territory, but it’s good to enable more options to be protected from this side too.

Extended compatibility

  • -Wvla : prevents usage of Variable Length Array.
    VLA were supported in C99, but are now optional since C11 (support can be tested using __STDC_NO_VLA__ macro). They allow nice things such as allocating on stack a table of variable size, depending on a function parameter. However, VLA have a pretty poor reputation. I suspect a reason is that they were served by sub-par implementations leading to all sort of hard issues, such as undetected stack-overflow, with unpredictable consequences.
    Note that even “good” implementations, able to dynamically expand stack to make room for larger tables, and correctly detect overflow issue to properly abort(), cannot provide any way for the program to be informed of such issue and react accordingly. It makes it impossible to create a program that is guaranteed to not abort().
    For better portability, it’s enough to know that some implementations of VLA are/were poor, and that VLA is no longer required in C11 to justify avoiding it. VLA is also not available for C90.

  • -Wdeclaration-after-statement : this flag is useful for C90 compatibility. Having all declarations at the top of the block, before any statement, is a strict rule that was dropped with C99, and it’s now possible to declare new variables anywhere in a block. This flag is mostly useful if the goal is to be compatible with C90 compilers, such as MS Visual Studio C before 2015 as an example.

  • -Wc++-compat : this flag ensures that the source can be compiled unmodified as both valid C and C++ code. This will require a few additional restrictions, such as casting from void*, which is unnecessary in C, but required in C++.
    This it handy for highly portable code, because it’s not uncommon for some users to just import the source file in their project and compile it as a C++ file, even though it’s clearly labelled as C. Moreover, when targeting C90 compatibility, C++ compatibility is not too far away, so the remaining effort is moderate.

Other interesting flags

  • -Wconversion : The C language allows most conversions to be performed silently. Transforming an int value into a short one ? No problem, just spell it. This design choice dates from the 70’s, when reducing the number of keystrokes was important, due to concerns we can’t even start to imagine today (slow printers, limited display space, hard key presses, etc.). Thing is, many type conversions are actually dangerous. That int to short ? What if the original value is larger than SHRT_MAX ? Yep, that’s undefined behavior. short to int conversion, on the other hand, is risk free.
    -Wconversion will flag any silent type conversion which is not risk free. In an existing code base developed without this flag, this will lead to a very large number of warnings, likely within intractable territory.
    The situation is even worse for gcc, because it flags type conversions resulting from implicit operation conversions. In this short example, all variables are short types. There is no other type anywhere. Yet, gcc's -Wconversion flag will trigger multiple warnings, because a basic operation such as + is allowed to be performed into int space, hence storing the final result into a short is now considered a “risky” conversion. Some constructions, such as += can’t even be fixed !
    Bottom line : starting a new code base with -Wconversion is doable, but adding this flag to an existing project is likely a too large burden.
    Special mention for the combination clang + -Wconversion -Wno-sign-conversion, which I use regularly, but only on clang.

  • -Weverything (clang only) : While it’s not recommended to use too many warnings in the production build chain, it can be sometimes interesting to look at more options. Special mention can be given to -Weverything on clang, which will activate every possible warning flag.
    Now, -Weverything is not meant to be used in production. It’s mostly a convenient “discovery” feature for clang developers, which can track and understand new warnings as they are added to “trunk”.
    But for the purpose of testing if the compiler can help find new issues, it can be an interesting temporary digression. One or two of these warnings might uncover real issues, inviting to re-assess the list of flags used in production.


All the flags presented so far can be combined into the following list, provided below for copy-pasting purposes :
-Wall -Wextra -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -Wstrict-aliasing -Wpointer-arith -Winit-self -Wshadow -Wswitch-enum -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wredundant-decls -Wformat=2 -Wfloat-equal -Wundef -Wvla -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wc++-compat

Quite a mouthful. Adopting as-is this list into an existing project might result in an abundant list of warnings if they were not already part of the build. Don’t be afraid, your code is not completely broken, but consider having a look: it might be fragile in subtle ways that these flags will help find. Enable additional warnings one by one, selectively, pick those which add value to your project. In the long run, these flags will help keep the code better maintained.

Compiler warning flags can be seen as a giant list of patterns that the compiler is pre-trained to detect. It’s great. But beyond these pre-defined capabilities, one might be interested in adding one’s own set of conditions for the compiler to check and enforce. That’s the purpose of next blog post.

Special Thanks

An early version of this article was commented by Nick Terrell and Evan Nemerson.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Opaque types and static allocation

 btrc: compile3 : opaque type and static allocation
In a previous episode, we’ve seen that it is possible to create opaque types. However, creation and destruction of such type must be delegated to some dedicated functions, which themselves rely on dynamic allocation mechanisms.

Sometimes, it can be convenient to bypass the heap, and all its malloc() / free() shenanigans. Pushing a structure onto the stack, or within thread-local storage, are natural capabilities offered by a normal struct. It can be desirable at times.

The previously described opaque type is so secret that it has no size, hence is not suitable for such scenario.

Fortunately, static opaque types are possible.
The main idea is to create a “shell type”, with a known size and an alignment, able to host the target (private) structure.

For safer maintenance, the shell type and the target structure must be kept in sync, by using typically a static assert. It will ensure that the shell type is always large enough to host the target structure. This check is important to automatically detect future evolution of the target structure.

If it wasn’t for the strict aliasing rule, we would have a winner : just use the shell type as the “public” user-facing type, proceed with transforming it into the private type inside the unit. It would combine properties of struct while remaining opaque.

Strict aliasing

Unfortunately, the strict aliasing rule gets in the way : we can't manipulate the same memory region from two pointers of different type (edit Christer Ericson : for the lifespan of the stored value). That's because the compiler is allowed to make assumptions about pointer value provenance for the benefit of performance.

To visualize the issue, I like this simple example, powered by Godbolt. Notice how the two +1 get combined into a single +2, saving one save+load round trip, and allowing computation over i and f in parallel, so it’s real saving.
But unfortunately, if f and i have same addresses, the result is wrong : the first i+1 influences the operation on f which influences the final value of i.
Of course, this example feels silly : it’s pretty hard to find a use case which justifies operations on int and float simultaneously and pointing at the same memory address. It shows that the rule is quite logical : if these pointers have different type, they most likely do not reference the same memory area. And since benefits are substantial, it’s tempting to use that assumption.

Interpreting differently the same memory area using different types of pointers is called “type punning”. It may work, as long as the compiler serializes operations as expected in the code, but there is no guarantee that it will continue to work safely in the future. A known way to break older programs employing type punning is to recompile them with modern compilers using advanced performance optimizations such as -O3 -lto. With enough inlining, register caching and dead code elimination, one will start to experience strange effects, which can be very hard to debug.

This is explained in greater details in this excellent article from Mike Acton. For an even deeper understanding of what can happen under the hood, you can read this document suggested by Josh Simmons. It demonstrates that there is a lot more to a pointer than just its binary representation.

One line of defense could be disable usage of strict aliasing by the optimizer, with a compilation directive such as fno-strict-aliasing on gcc.
I wouldn’t recommend it though. On top of impacting performance, it ties code correctness to a specific compiler setting, which may or may not be present in user’s project. Portability is also impacted, since there is no guarantee that this capability will always be available on some different C compiler.

Another line of defense consists in using the char* pointer, which is the exception to the rule, and can alias anything. When one memory area is passed as a char*, the compiler will pay attention to serialize char* read/write properly. It works well in practice, at least in my tests. What is worrying though is that in theory, the compiler is only obliged to guarantee the read in correct order. That it pays attention to serialize the write too seems to be “extra care”, presumably so that existing programs continue to work as intended. Not sure if it is reliable to depend on it on long term.

Another issue is, our proposed shell type is not a char* table. It’s a union, containing a char* table. That’s not the same, and in this case, the exception does not hold.

As a consequence, the shell type must not be confused with the target type. The strict aliasing rule makes them non-interchangeable !

Safe static allocation for opaque types

The trick is to use a 3rd party initializer, to convert the allocated space and return a pointer of appropriate type.
To ensure strict compliance with C standard, it’s a multi-steps trick, hence a more complex setup. Consider this technique as “advanced”, implying limited usage scenarios.

Here is an example :

typedef struct thing_s thing;   // incomplete (opaque) type

typedef union {
    char body[SIZE];
    unsigned alignment_enforcer;   // ensures `thingBody` respect alignment of largest member of `thing`
} thingBody;

// PREFIX_initStatic_thing() accepts any buffer as input, 
// and returns a properly initialized `thing*` opaque pointer.
// It ensures `buffer` has proper size (`SIZE`) and alignment (4) restrictions
// and will return `NULL` if it does not.
// Resulting `thing*` uses the provided buffer only, it will not allocate further memory on its own.
// Use `thingBody` to define a memory area respecting all conditions.
// On success, `thing*` will also be correctly initialized.
thing* PREFIX_initStatic_thing(void* buffer, size_t size);

// Notice there is no corresponding destructor.
// Since the space is reserved externally, its deallocation is controlled externally.
// This presumes that `initStatic` does Not dynamically allocates further space.
// Note that it doesn't make sense for `initStatic` to invoke dynamic allocation.

/* ====================================== */
/* Example usage */

int function()
    thingBody scratchSpace;   /* on stack */
    thing* T const = PREFIX_initStatic_thing(&scratchSpace, sizeof(scratchSpace));
    assert(T != NULL);  // Should be fine. Only exception is if `struct thing_s` definition changes and there is some version mismatch.
    // Now use `T` as a normal `thing*` pointer
    // (...)
    // do Not `free(T)` at function's end, since thingBody is part of the stack

In this example, the static size of thingBody is used to allocate space for thing on the stack. It’s faster, and there is no need to care about deallocation.

But that’s all it does. No data is ever read from nor written to thingBody. All usages of the memory region pass through thing*, which is safe.

Compared to a usual public struct, the experience is not equivalent.
To begin with, the proposed stack allocation is a multi-liner and creates 2 variables : the shell type, and the target pointer. It’s not too bad, and this model fits well enough any kind of manual allocation scenario, be it on stack or within a pre-reserved area (for embedded environments typically).

If that matters, stack allocation could have been made a one liner, hidden behind a macro.
But I tend to prefer the variant in above example. It makes it clear what’s happening. Since one of C strengths is a clear grasp of resource control, it is better to preserve that level of understanding.

There are more problematic differences though.
It’s not possible to use the shell type as a return type of a function: once again, shell type and target incomplete type are different things. On the same line, it’s not possible to pass the shell type by value. The memory region can only be passed by reference, and only using the correctly typed pointer.

Embedding the shell type into a larger structure is dangerous and generally not recommended : it requires 2 members (the shell and the pointer), but the pointer is only valid if the struct is not moved around, nor copied. That’s a too strong constraint to make it safely usable.

Removing the pointer

Suggested by Sebastian Aaltonen, it is generally possible to bypass the target pointer, and just reuse the address of the shell type instead. Since the shell type is never accessed directly, there is no aliasing to be afraid of.

The only issue is, some compilers might not like the pointer cast from shellType* to target opaque*, irrespective of the fact that the shellType is never accessed directly. This is an annoying false positive. That being said, newer compilers are better at detecting this pattern, and won’t complain.
Note that the explicit casting is not optional, so the notation cannot be shortened, hence this method will not save much keystrokes.

The real goal is to guarantee that the address transmitted is necessarily the address of shell. This makes sense when the intention is to move shell around or copy it : no risk to lose sync with a separate pointer variable.

To be complete, note that, in above proposal, initStatic() does more than casting a pointer :

  • It ensures that the memory area has correct size & alignment properties
    • shellType provides these guarantees too.
      • The only corner case is when the program invokes initStatic() from a dynamic library. If runtime library version is different from the one used during compilation of the program, it can lead to a potential discrepancy on size or alignment requirements.
      • No such risk when using static linking.
  • It ensures that the resulting pointer references a properly initialized memory area.

The second bullet point, in particular, still needs to be done one way or another, so initStatic() is still useful, at least as an initializer.

Using the shell type directly

Removing the pointer is nice, but the real game changer is to be able to employ the opaque type as if it was a normal struct, in particular :

  • assign with =
  • can be passed by value as function parameter
  • can be received as return type from a function

These properties can influence the API design, making the opaque type “feel” more natural to use. For example :

// declaration
#define SIZE 8
typedef union {
    char body[SIZE];
    unsigned align4;   // ensures `thing` is aligned on 4-bytes boundaries
} thing;
// No need for a "separate" incomplete type.
// The shell IS the public-facing type for API.

thing thing_init(void);
thing thing_set_byValue(int v);
thing thing_combine(thing a, thing b);

// usage
thing doubled_value(int v)
    thing const ta = thing_set_byValue(v);
    thing const tb = ta;
    return thing_combine(ta, tb);

This can be handy for small POD types (typically less than a few dozens of bytes), giving them a behavior similar to basic types.
Since passing arguments and results by value implies some memory copy, the cost of this approach increases as type size increases. Therefore, whenever the type becomes uncomfortably large, prefer switching to a pointer reference.

The compiler may completely eliminate the memory copy operation if it can somehow inline the invoked functions. That’s, by definition, hard to do when these functions are in a separate unit, due to the need to access a private type declaration.
However, -lto (Link Time Optimization) can break the unit barrier. As a consequence, functions which were behaving correctly while not inlined might end up being inlined, triggering weird optimization effects.

For example, statements acting directly on shell*, such as potential memset() initialization, or any kind of value assignment, might be reordered for parallel processing with other statements within inlined functions acting on internal_type*, on the assumption that shell* and internal_type* should not be aliased.
To be fair, I would expect a modern compiler to be clever enough to detect that shell* and internal_type* reference effectively the same address, and avoid re-ordering or eluding memory read / write operations. Nevertheless, this is a risk, that might be triggered by complex cases or less clever compilers (typically older ones).

The solution is to use memcpy() to transfer data back and forth between internal type and shell type. memcpy() acts as a synchronization point for memory accesses : it guarantees that read and write orders will be serialized, ordered as written in the source code. The compiler will not be able to “outsmart” the code by re-ordering statements under the assumptions that side-effects on 2 pointers of different types cannot alias each other : a memcpy() can alias anything, so it has to be performed in the requested order.

Back to struct ?

Adding memcpy() everywhere is a small inconvenience. Also, there is always a risk that the compiler will not be smart enough to elide the copy operation.

Due to these limitations and risks, it can be better to give up this complexity and just use a public struct. As long as the struct is a POD type, all conveniences are available. And without the need to add some private declaration, it’s now possible to define implementations directly in header, as explicit inline functions, sharply reducing the cost of passing parameters.

To avoid direct accesses to structure member, one can still mention it clearly in code comments, and use scary member names as deterrent. A more involved way to protect struct members is to give them scary and useless names, such as dont_access_me_1, dont_access_me_2, etc. and rename them with macros in the code section which can actually interpret them. This is a bit more involving, especially if the number of member names is large, potentially leading to confusion. More importantly, the compiler will no longer be able to help in case of contract violation, and protecting the design pattern will now entirely depend on reviewers. Still, it’s a very reasonable choice, notably for “internal” types, which are not exposed on user side API, hence should only be manipulated by a small number of skillful contributors subject to review process.

For user facing types though, opacity is more valuable. And if the type size is large enough to begin with, it seems a no brainer : prefer the opaque type, and only use references.